Today is Superbowl Sunday, normally this is my favorite time of year get together with great friends, drink plenty of alcohol, enjoy a good game of football, laugh at commercials, and eat great food. Today is a little different. There are not tons of friends around (which is fine cus I make up for it with all these spotted things and the wife) and I don't particularly care about the teams this year. However this year will be great because by the grace of an unknown power there WILL be a dalmatian commercial to laugh/cry/smile at. I am proclaiming that to be the case, not that I know that or anything. I don't remember the last time there wasn't one so if they don't have one this year Ill vow to never watch the stupid game again!!! SIKKE!!! I will, however I have to say for the past ten years of my life that I can remember the Dally commercials have been the highlight of the whole evening for me, even more then the friends, game, food, drinks, and laughter. Go play you dumb teams and to the beer companies that seem to hold the dally as their symbol- (and rightfully so, all of my dals LOVE beer, I have never met dogs who like beer more) Make the commercials long, funny, and have plenty of spots in them!!! And please make them as touching as this one!! :D
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